Get Ready for Easter at Sego!
We have excited things planned, so be sure to start inviting your friends!
We have excited things planned, so be sure to start inviting your friends!
We are a life-giving church in Daybreak, South Jordan, UT.
Our heart is for people to become ALIVE AND FREE in Jesus!
The Bechtel family of six moved from Minnesota in December 2019. They had been pastoring there for 15+ years when they felt a pull on their hearts to move out west and plant a church in the Salt Lake Valley!
with God’s presence
in God’s truth
with God’s love
At Sego, our doors are always open to everyone, no matter where they are in their faith journey. We desire to see people find a relationship with God and with one another. We believe this happens through the life-giving community of the church. Here you’ll find exciting worship and Biblical truth taught in relevant and applicable ways. Our heart is that everyone who walks through the doors would experience the presence of God.
In this series, we will explore the Biblical truth about worship. Worship is so much more than singing along to the songs in church or on the radio. Worship is a spiritual act of discipline that requires our whole mind, body, and spirit to be engaged. And worship of God and to God can happen Monday – Sunday!
From Genesis to Revelation, we see God instructing His children on how and why to WORSHIP. When we learn these truths about worshipping God and apply them to our lives, we will become more ALIVE & FREE in Jesus.