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Visit Us

Sundays at 9:30AM.

What to Expect

Our doors are open

We’re thrilled that you’re checking out Sego Church! We know that looking for a church family can be overwhelming and intimidating. We want to remove as many barriers as possible for you and hope that you’ll feel welcomed and loved even before you step foot inside the church doors.

At Sego, our doors are always open to everyone, no matter where they are in their faith journey. We desire to see people find a relationship with God and with one another. We believe this happens through the life-giving community of the church. Here you’ll find exciting worship and Biblical truth taught in relevant and applicable ways. Our heart is that everyone who walks through the doors would experience the presence of God and become ALIVE AND FREE!

If you’re coming for the first time, read through our frequently asked questions to find the essential things you should know.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens during the Sunday service?

Service start at 9:30AM. The services are between 65 – 70 minutes.

There will be a time of singing songs to express our worship to Jesus. We will hear a biblical message from one of our teaching team.

If you like a larger group gathering, try our Sunday morning services! We recommend coming 10-15 minutes before service starts so that you can enjoy some complimentary coffee, and donuts, and connect with a couple people before service starts!

What will happen after the service?

After every service we have teams of people who are available to pray with and encourage you.

We also invite you to stay for a few minutes after service and meet some amazing people!

How should I dress?

Dress in a way that is comfortable for you! Jeans and a t-shirt, or dresses, suit, and tie, whatever you prefer.

What about my kids?

If you’re bringing kids, you will have the chance to get them checked in to “The Greenhouse.” The Greenhouse are age appropriate classes during the Sunday morning service where kids are taught Bible lessons and interactive games and activities that support the Bible lesson.

Seeds Room | 6wks – 2yrs

Sprouts Room | 2yrs – 5yrs

Buds Room | kindergarten – 5th grade

These rooms are led by at least one adult and one assistant who have gone through a background check.

What if I prefer a smaller group setting?

If you prefer smaller group gatherings, you may prefer our Small Groups, which are groups of people that meet in homes throughout week, every week!

See our Small Groups

Ready to Visit?

Ready to Visit?