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Steven Lam

Worship & Production

Tell me about Steven?

Steven was born and raised in Utah. He started his singing ministry as a singing snail in a church kids play teaching the masses about patience. Steven has served and led many worship teams throughout the years and continues to serve the local church with passionate spirit filled worship.

What does Steven enjoy?

Steven is an avid golfer who also enjoys buttery popcorn and a good movie. Don’t forget the gummy worms and Keebler cookies as well. You can also find a studio at his home where he spends time writing and recording music.

What does Steven love most about Utah?

“If you search my heart you will see warm sun and beaches. For now, you can find me in the fairways of many beautiful Utah golf courses throughout the valley. While I did grow up snowboarding this is definitely a thing of times past. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says,“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.” No more snowboards for me, just golf clubs!”