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Kids & Youth

The Greenhouse

Sego Kids

Children are a gift from God. We want to partner with you as you steward those gifts. In each season of your child’s life, we will be here to nurture them and see them grow from Seed, Sprout, and Buds!

6 weeks – 2 years

2 years – 5 years

kindergarten – 5th grade

Sego Youth

Teenagers are amazing!

We believe in the next generation and want to do all we can to help them live a life full of joy, connected with people, and walking out courageous faith!

Sego Youth offers a variety of gatherings to equip, encourage, and connect our teens. Monthly events held are as follows:

1st Sunday: Donuts, Drinks, and Devos during service at AAI
2nd Saturday: Small Groups
4th Saturday: Move Night aka a night of activity and fun

To learn more about youth and meeting locations, visit the Sego youth groups page.